As a member of Meridian Trust, Harrold Primary Academy follows policies relating to safeguarding, pupils, staff, and finance which have been established by the Trust. Some policies, such as behaviour, admissions and uniform, have been delegated to Harrold Primary Academy and are school specific. School specific policies are approved by the local Academy Council.
All Meridian Trust policies are available from the trust website at this link.
The link above includes the following policies:
Anti-Bullying policy
Attendance Policy
Charging Policy
Complaints Procedure
E-Safety Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Examinations Policy
Health, Safety & Environmental Policy
Meridian Trust Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy & Accessibility Plan
Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedure
For information about privacy notices, how to submit a subject access request and how to report a personal data breach, click on this link, which will take you to the Meridian Trust GDPR webpage.
Please click on the links below for Harrold Primary Academy school secific policies. Paper copies of school policies are available from the school office.